7205 - Esophagus, diverticulum of, acquired

DBQ:Link to Index of DBQ/Exams by Disability for DC 7205 


The esophagus is described as a muscular tube that serves as a passageway for liquids and foods from the pharynx to the stomach. In this diagnostic code, the mucous membrane of the esophagus has a hernia in its wall. An esophageal diverticulum is a finger-like pouch in the wall of the esophagus.


The cause of the condition may be related to motor disorders of the esophagus (see Diagnostic Code: 7204 Esophagus, spasm of). Large and abundant motor waves of propulsion (pushing forward) have been associated with esophageal diverticula.

Signs & Symptoms

If the diverticula are small, there are no symptoms. Large diverticula, e.g., Zenker's diverticulum, trap food and saliva resulting in bad breath. The condition may cause an obstruction to develop, and aspiration and possible pneumonia may occur. There is a great risk of perforation if a nasogastric tube is inserted, or an endoscope is used.


Diagnostic tests include barium swallow x-rays with either fluoroscopy or video.


Large diverticula (Zenker's) will require surgical resection.


If surgery is performed, the patient will undergo postsurgical recovery and have an upper abdominal incision.

Special Considerations

  • None.


  • Rate as for obstruction (stricture).